Caracas, 07 de Julio de 2009
Excelentísimo Embajador
Salvador Rodezno
Representante de la OEA en Venezuela
Su Despacho.
Nosotros, miembros de las organizaciones abajo firmantes, ante lo acontecido en
Denunciamos ante el Organismo que Usted representa las amenazas de intervención militar en Honduras hechas por el Presidente de
Denunciamos las pretensiones hegemónicas de poder en violación a
Denunciamos el desconocimiento a la voluntad popular ejercida a través del sufragio cuando fue rechazada la propuesta de reforma constitucional e instaurada ilegalmente a través de decretos leyes dictados por el Presidente de
Denunciamos que se ha desconocido la voluntad popular manifestada a través del voto en las elecciones regionales del pasado 23 de noviembre cuando de facto le ha sido arrebatado el ejercicio de sus competencias a los Gobernadores y Alcaldes regionales no simpatizantes del gobierno nacional, llegando incluso al extremo de tener que hacer una huelga de hambre indefinida, frente a la sede de
Denunciamos el amedrentamiento y la persecución contra los factores democráticos que hacen vida en el país tales como: Iglesia, medios de comunicación, partidos políticos, organizaciones no gubernamentales, sociedad civil organizada, estudiantes, periodistas, empresarios y funcionarios públicos que han emitido una opinión contraria a los intereses del Poder Ejecutivo.
Denunciamos los abusos de poder y violaciones al sistema legal vigente en contra del derecho a la propiedad privada, al desarrollo económico y productivo del país y a ejercer la actividad económica de su preferencia, promoviendo invasiones, confiscaciones, multas exorbitantes, para asfixiar la economía de la nación y así lograr el control absoluto de la producción en manos del estado.
Denunciamos la imposibilidad del ejercicio ciudadano de disentir de las políticas públicas mediante la promulgación de una gama de leyes destinadas a criminalizar la disidencia política en nuestro país.
Denunciamos la existencia de prisioneros políticos en Venezuela, cuyas violaciones a los DDHH como torturas, condiciones infrahumanas de encarcelamiento y grotescas violaciones al debido proceso no han sido objeto de atención por parte de los anteriormente nombrados Organismos Internacionales, para comisionar delegaciones que vengan a conocer personalmente la situación jurídica infringida en contra de quienes se encuentran ilegítimamente privados de libertad.
Ante todo lo anteriormente expuesto, solicitamos:
1) Que
2) Que
3) Que
Para finalizar, queremos decirle a toda
Firman este comunicado:
Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Caracas
Nueva Conciencia Nacional, A.C.
Foro Penal Venezolano, A.C.
Democracia Permanente A.C.
Vigilantes de
Fundación Imperio de
Fundación Damas de Blanco
Fundación para el debido proceso
Una ventana a
VIVE, A.C. (Víctimas venezolanas de violaciones a los DDHH)
Movimiento Morado A.C.
Fuerza Integradora A.C.
FEDEVE (Federación de estudiantes de Derecho de Venezuela)
Estudiantes Zulianos Unidos
Juventud Competitiva A.C.
We, members of the below mentioned organizations, in light of the events in the sister Republic of Honduras, where a struggle for the respect of democratic institutions and the Constitution is currently unleashed, and which produced a quick and expedite proclamation of different international organization such as the Organization of American States, the United Nations, and the European Union among others, without hearing the defendant as it should in the spirit of international organizations that defend the democratic systems as the best form of development, within a framework of respect for human rights and fundamental liberties, the access to power and its execution subject to Rule of Law and the separation and independence of Public Powers, exhort these organizations to learn about the reality in which we currently live in our country through the protective mechanisms of the democratic principles and to recognize the different violations to the constitutional system and the subjection of Public Powers to the will of the Highest Office, which has translated into a systematic violation of Human Rights and the Treaties and International Agreements that such organizations defend.
We denounce before these international organizations the threat of military intervention in Honduras made by the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Hugo Chávez, which violates the principle of self-determination of all people consecrated in, among others, the United Nations Charter, International Agreements on Human Rights, and in the many United Nations General Assembly resolutions. The Democratic Charter of the OAS in its first consideration stipulates that: “the Charter of the Organization of American States recognizes that representative democracy is indispensable for the stability, peace, and development of the region, and that one of the purposes of the OAS is to promote and consolidate representative democracy, with due respect for the principle of nonintervention”
We denounce the hegemonic pretensions for power, in violation of the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, which has materialized unconstitutionally upon establishing indefinite reelections and other legal modifications that affect the essential nucleus of the concept of Venezuela as a Social Democratic State of Law and Justice, where alternating the terms of office of the public authority is the fundamental guarantee for the healthy practice of democracy. As our Liberator, Simón Bolivar said, “there is nothing so dangerous as to suffer Power to be vested for a long time in one citizen. The people become accustomed to obeying and the ruler becomes accustomed to ruling; hence, the origin of usurpation and tyranny.” (Angostura speech, February 15, 1819)
We denounce the disregard for the popular will of the people manifested through elections in Venezuela when the constitutional reform proposal was rejected and illegally established by decrees pronounced by the President of the Republic through abusing his enabling powers.
We denounce that the peoples´ will manifested through their vote in the regional elections last November 21, has not been recognized and where the competencies of the Regional Governors and Mayors, who do not sympathize with the national government, were taken away de facto, to the extent that the Metropolitan Mayor, Antonio Ledezma, was forced to carry out an indefinite hunger strike before OAS headquarters in Caracas, so that this organization would voice an opinion about the accusations made by this first municipal authority.
We denounce the threats and persecution of the democratic forces who participate in this country, such as: the Church, the press, political parties, non governmental organizations, organized society, students, news reporters, business people, and public officials that have issued an opinion contrary to the interests of the Executive Power.
We denounce the abuse of power and violations to the existing legal system against private property, the economic and productive development of the country, and to the practice of the economic activity of preference; the promotion of invasions, confiscations, and exorbitant fines; asphyxiating the national economy, which results in the state obtaining absolute control over production.
We denounce the inability of citizens to dissent from public policy, due to the promulgation of a group of laws destined to criminalize political dissidence in our country.
We denounce the existence of political prisoners in Venezuela, whose Human Rights in the form of torture, infrahuman conditions of incarceration, and grotesque violations to due process have been violated, which has not been the object of the attention on the part of the before named international organizations. We request the commission of delegations to personally come to learn about the judicial system infringed upon those who are illegally deprived of their freedom.
In light of the before mentioned, we request that:
1) the Organization of American States urge the National Government to immediately accept the envoy to the country, of a impartial commission in charge of evaluating all the accusations concerning the violation of Human Rights and the democratic principles that the government has received and has not processed and especially to see the democratically elected Metropolitan Mayor who has been relieved unconstitutionally of his duties.
2) The Organization of American States immediately send from their organization a special Human Rights envoy to ascertain the severity of the accusations made here.
3) The European Union concern itself with the accusations made here.
To end, we would like to tell the entire international community that democracy in not just electing an official through a vote, but it is respect for the independency of the powers, respect for the democratic institutions and the people’s will, the true foundation to strengthen those principles of freedom and justice that make nations independent and sovereign.
In Caracas, on July 5, 2009
Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Caracas (Caracas Bar Association)
Nueva Conciencia Nacional, A.C. (New National Awareness)
Democracia Permanente A.C. (Permanent Democracy)
Foro Penal Venezolano, A.C. (Venezuelan Criminal Forum)
Vigilantes de la Democracia A.C. (Democracy Vigilantes)
Fundación Damas de Blanco (Women in White Foundation)
Fundación para el debido proceso (FUNDEPRO) (Foundation for Due Process)
Fundaciòn Imperio de la Ley
Vive A.C.
Movimiento Morado
Fuerza Integradora
Una ventana a la Libertad A.C. (A Window to Freedom)
Federacion de Estudiantes de Derecho de Venezuela
Estudiantes Zulianos Unidos (United Students from Zulia)
Juventud Competitiva A.C. (Competitive Students)
Nota del remitente:
Buenas tardes a todos,
Les remito el documento entregado en la OEA, el Martes 07 de Julio, en apoyo al Alcalde Antonio Ledezma y denunciando de forma resumida lo que pasa en nuestro país. También se los remito en la versión en Ingles para su defusión Internacional.
Un abrazo a todos
Tamara Sujú Roa
Nueva Conciencia Nacional